HUMDRUM or, The Woman who wanted to be a Washing Machine

Role: DOP and Editor
Client: Self initiated
Date Released: September 2018
Direct Link:

In a world 'spinning' with Gender Politics, Catherine Lake has decided to 'condition' the 'fabric' of her own 'delicate' identity in a bid to 'wash' women back to their Rightful Place…

A stylistically simple and claustrophobically irreverent short from award winning filmmaker Daniela Pasquini & award winning writer Jonnie Bayfield. An experiment in shooting a short in 1 day only, with a skeleton crew - a self-initiated exercise in economic storytelling.

This marks the fourth film I have made in collaboration with my sister Daniela Pasquini, actress, director and all round creative powerhouse! It was great to have a creative project outside of work to sink my teeth into. In terms of production we kept it super simple, just Daniela and Jonnie as cast, and myself and Ben Hay on production duties. Any questions, fire them at me in the comments. Hope you enjoy!

Some quick BTS snaps, Cast and Crew all looking very stressed and pensive… we had fun too!